Costs and Limitations
Product Description
Simplify Clinical Medical Records With An Affordable, Comprehensive
MediFile is a full-featured, inexpensive EMR (Electronic
Medical Record) for small to medium-sized physician practices. It
comes with seven software modules: Templates, Diagrams, Notes, Rxs,
Labs, Messages, and Letters. These modules include a tremendous
amount of functionality, and provide all that you need to reap the
benefits of electronically maintaining clinical records.
Runs on Desktop, Wireless or Handheld Computers
MediFile software modules run on desktop pc's, wireless
pc's or handheld computers running the Windows CE operating system.
The handheld computers are usually synchronized with the main MediFile
database at the beginning of each day. This process downloads to
the handheld the day's schedule and also any existing information
related to these patients. At the end of the day, the handheld is
synchronized again with the MediFile database to upload newly generated
Module Summary
Templates - Create
or adjust text layouts that are part of office notes in different
situations, such as for different levels of visit, diagnoses or
procedures. Create groups of templates to be applied together. Create
choice values to be used in the templates. Create running choices,
where a single selection fills in several parts of a note at once.
Diagrams - Create
or adjust graphic layouts that are also part of office notes. Set
up colored annotation areas.
Notes - Fill out an
office note for a patient visit using the templates and diagrams.
Remember selections made from previous visits by this patient. Maintain
patient specific lists, such as allergies, medications, goals.
Rxs - Write and print
prescriptions. Select medications from the medication library or
previously prescribed medications for the current patient. Sign
prescriptions electronically.
Labs -View lab results
for a patient in spreadsheet form. Sort lab results into different
arrangements for convenient comparisons. Abnormal lab results are
automatically highlighted in color. Add comments about individual
Letters - Use templates
to generate letters pertaining to patients. Letters might be for
other providers, insurance companies, government agencies.
Messages - Maintain
additional information about a patient. Front-desk personnel can
enter phone call messages. Physician assistant personnel can enter
reminders to be visible when the provider sees the patient.
Interfaces with Your Existing Practice Management
The MediFile product includes at no charge an interface
to you Practice Management System that links the demographic and
scheduling information in the two systems. Our interfacing techniques
do not require involvement from the Practice Management System vendor.
Uses Daily Patient Schedule
The MediFile home screen presents the health provider
with a list of patients from the daily schedule. A summary shows
what medical information exists for patients from past visits. The
provider can also see what components of the record are present/missing
for today's visit. Patients can be added to the schedule if necessary.
The schedule shown can be for one provider or all providers. Visits
on the schedule are classified according to type and status. The
provider receives immediate notification if a patient status changes,
such as when a patient arrives in reception, or when a patient visit
is cancelled.
Generation of Charge Codes
The ability to send charge codes from MediFile to
the Practice Management System requires the installation of our
AutoBilling product. With AutoBilling installed, MediFile can generate
the codes for a patient visit based on the templates used in the
office note, allow the codes to be reviewed and adjusted by the
provider, transmit the codes to AutoBilling where the codes are
validated against billing rules, and then have AutoBilling post
the codes into the Practice Management System.
Viewing of External Documents
The ability to view documents that are not created
in MediFile requires the installation of our InfoIntegrity product.
With InfoIntegrity installed, you can scan in documents and link
them to the MediFile clinical records. Whenever you access a patient
record in MediFile (or your Practice Management System), any scanned
documents are immediately available in an InfoIntegrity viewing
window. InfoIntegrity includes many other features such as automatic
form recognition and document worklists.
Blocks And Lists
Blocks and Lists are components of patient data that
are available for inclusion in office notes or letters. A typical
Block is 'Family History'. A typical List is 'Allergies'. Blocks
and Lists are remembered after each patient visit, and can be automatically
included in a new patient note or letter. Blocks and Lists can be
updated independently, by, say, a physician assistant when they
are interviewing a patient prior to a provider performing an examination.
Security Features Address HIPAA Concerns
MediFile includes many features to ensure compliance
with HIPAA security requirements. A complete audit trail of medical
record use is maintained. Permissions control how staff access each
part of the medical record. Passwords can be set to require updating
at a predetermined interval. MediFile sessions can be set to expire
after a period of non-activity.
HL7 Interface Engine Included
The MediFile product includes at no charge an HL7
Interface Engine. HL7 is a standard protocol for transmitting data
between health care computers. Typical uses are the acquisition
of lab results or reports from other systems.
Other Interfaces Are Inexpensive
If another interface is required, we guarantee to
write one with all necessary features, and without requiring the
involvement of the other system's vendor - or your money back.
Integrates with Email, Faxing, Voice Recognition
Any part of a MediFile record can be emailed or faxed
at the touch of a button. Off-the-shelf Voice Recognition packages
work in conjunction with MediFile without difficulty.
Electronic Signature
MediFile users can have an electronic signature code
that allows them to sign (or co-sign) any part of a MediFile record.
An audit trail of signatures is maintained. Once signed, a record
cannot be changed.
Supports Cut-and-Paste from Other Windows Applications
You can cut-and-paste text and graphics back
and forth between MediFile and any windows-compliant application.
For example, you can add digital photos to an office note. Or, you
could copy labs results from MediFile to a spreadsheet program to
make a graph, and then copy the graph back into the MediFile office