Product Description
Create On-Line Medical Records
For healthcare organizations, managing patient records
has emerged as a real challenge. Without flawless patient information,
insurance companies may not pay you. The government wants patient
records to be more secure. And these records - walls of paper charts
- can take a lot of time to find, and a lot of space to store.
Instead of the frustrating filing and retrieval of
paper medical records, you can create on-line patient charts with
InfoIntegrity, a medical imaging software system with unsurpassed
features. InfoIntegrity scans and categorizes medical documents
automatically, with minimal operator assistance.
With InfoIntegrity You'll Find:
- On-line patient records are easily retrieved and stored
- No wait for charts to be pulled, no missing or misfiled documents
- Reduced cost and improved office operations
- Dependable and verifiable record security
- Access to records from any monitor in your office or from a remote site
- An integrated database of all patient records
Minimal Handling, Maximum Efficiency
InfoIntegrity is a sophisticated scanning system.
Existing patient charts or new documents are entered into the system
by scanners that recognize and index all types of medical documents.
Whether a document is delivered by mail, fax or is
generated in-house, it is easily filed and retrieved electronically
by InfoIntegrity. Moreover, InfoIntegrity streamlines the processing
of chart-related work items such as scheduling, referrals, correspondence
and more.
Your staff handles paper documents only during initial
sorting. After placing documents in the scanner, your staff is free
to move onto other tasks. InfoIntegrity automatically classifies
each scanned document, sending it to the correct patient file and
to the appropriate physician's new mail slot for viewing at his/her
Scanned patient charts are stored on an "image
server", a dedicated computer that serves the entire office
and any remote sites. Instead of a roomful of charts (or more),
your records fit in a small closet. And we mean all of them.
Improving Work Flow
InfoIntegrity not only improves record storage and
retrieval, it streamlines how work flows in your office. Some scanned
documents (referrals, prescriptions, test results, etc.) require
further attention and/or action. These documents are routed electronically
to the appropriate physician and/or staff member person. They then
appear on an electronic "work list" in that person's mail
Additionally, InfoIntegrity can automatically route
documents according to a characteristic such as the patient's last
name, the primary insurance, the line of business, or the date of
the encounter. A user can manually direct a scanned document to
a specific work list. Work lists can be defined by person or by
Work Lists Allow You To:
- Indicate progress on a work item using status flags and comments
- Maintain an audit trail of the actions performed on each work item
- Control the actions allowed on a work item with processing results
Printing, Faxing And Email
Once documents are scanned into the system, they
become part of a comprehensive image database. They can be printed
from any laser printer on the network, faxed electronically or sent
via email.
InfoIntegrity lets you use templates for frequently
needed letters and forms. Once completed, a letter or form is automatically
routed to the appropriate patient chart.
InfoIntegrity can include
a fax engine, which allows remote sites to fax in documents for
inclusion in the image database. If required, automatic form recognition
and barcode identification can be applied to faxed-in documents,
just as with scanned documents, as described below.
Barcode Identification
InfoIntegrity includes a barcode recognition engine
and allows many uses of barcodes. Barcodes are used to automatically
identify patients, dates of service, form types and work lists.
For example, barcodes are commonly used to identify patients when
back-scanning old charts, to route items to work lists when processing
mail, or to identify form types when barcodes are preprinted on
Forms Are Automatically Recognized & Indexed
Another great productivity feature of InfoIntegrity
is its ability, as part of the scanning process, to automatically
recognize and index different form types. With other document imaging
systems, the user often has to manually enter the form type for
every page.
To automatically recognize forms, InfoIntegrity uses
OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and a sophisticated Pattern
Matching Algorithm to compare word patterns found on each page against
patterns in the forms database.
Indexing images by form type allows a user to rapidly
retrieve a desired document. Forms types can also be used to selectively
access information such as lab results or office notes. OCR can
also extract other data from scanned documents, such as patient
or service date information.
Security And Audit Trail
InfoIntegrity stores images in the Windows NTFS file
system, which allows control of image access by the powerful Windows
Server security system.
Independently of NTFS, InfoIntegrity maintains an
audit trail detailing whenever documents are accessed. InfoIntegrity
allows control of document access at the levels of document type
and form type. InfoIntegrity also allows specific documents, or
specific pages in documents, to be "locked down" so that
access is prohibited without a special administrative password.
Works Easily With Your Billing System
InfoIntegrity is designed to work seamlessly with
whatever billing system you already use. We "image-enable"
your billing system. To access a patient chart, you simply look
up the patient record in the billing system window, and then click
in the InfoIntegrity window to browse the images. The information
in the billing system window drives the InfoIntegrity software.
The InfoIntegrity viewer automatically identifies
the patient using a software technique called "screen scraping".
When a patient's information is opened in the billing system window,
the user can then immediately view the patient's online chart documents
in the InfoIntegrity window.
No Need To Type Data Twice
As a result of the tight integration between InfoIntegrity
and the billing system, you never need to double-key the patient
data. Many other document systems insist that users re-enter information
already present in your billing software. This can make scanning
documents extremely labor-intensive, and can lead to a dramatic
loss of scanning productivity. InfoIntegrity totally avoids such
problems by its image-enabling approach.
Storage And Back Up
Records are typically stored in the image server
on mirrored hard drives. Mirroring means that, if one hard drive
fails, the system stays up and running while the failed hard drive
is fixed. Alternatively, very large storage situations may dictate
that records are stored on other devices such as large disk arrays.
Information is normally backed up to removable hard drives as well.